About and Contact Information

Office: 4-214.13

Phone: +1 (212) 817-8533

Email: dsakthivadivel@gc.cuny.edu

I am currently a visitor at the CUNY Graduate Centre under the Einstein Chair professorship in mathematics. I am also the lead researcher in the theory group at the VERSES Research Lab. Previously, I have been at Stony Brook University and MIT.

For a summary of my current research, see this page (/research). I am broadly interested in topology and how it threads through different areas of algebra, analysis, and arithmetic. I am often motivated by objects or questions in mathematical and statistical physics. Chern–Simons theories feature heavily in my work as rich objects living in the intersection of these areas. I am also interested in probability theory and its applications: I have a secondary research programme devoted to (non-equilibrium) statistical field theory and the properties of spaces of functions.

My articles (with bibliographic information) can be found on the arXiv or Google Scholar. Some of the talks I have given are viewable here (/talks). Advocacy and press relating to my work can be found here (/other). I maintain a blog about my work, amongst other things. I can also be found on MathOverflow and with ORCiD 0000-0002-7907-7611.


Fiona Blackett

Bruno Borić

Francesco Sacco (co-supervised with M Levin)

Postdoctoral members of the VERSES mathematics group (co-supervised with K Friston FRS)

Marco Perin

Lance Da Costa

Toby St Clere Smithe


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